Reply To: Claiming VAT on professional fees for sale of commercial property as a TOGC

Forum Categories VAT ON PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS Claiming VAT on professional fees for sale of commercial property as a TOGC Reply To: Claiming VAT on professional fees for sale of commercial property as a TOGC


Thanks Trevor, agree, something happens to website where you end up on an older archive section sometimes. Anyway, thank you for the reply.
So I can’t submit the end-Aug return yet as I am still awaiting the management company to provide the VAT figures (usually would be nil return during the pandemic, but as they’ve finally given us some money this quarter, will need to get the figures confirmed for this one) which they normally provide us to submit to HMRC – they then pay the VAT owed on our behalf.
I already have the professional fees invoice at the time of the sale in July (agent and legal fees). 

Few more queries, most grateful if you can clarify, as I am still confused (hopefully never getting involved with VAT again! :-(
– when you say contact HMRC and notify them that taxable activity has ceased – do I just email/write to them, and assume they get it, as clearly I can’t wait for a reply given the timescales they are taking to reply?
– when I de-register – doesn’t that automatically notify them that my taxable activity has now ceased, or do I still need to write to them as above?
– is it possible to reclaim the VAT on the professional fees on the current Jun-Aug return i.e. put the figures in the relevant box (i.e. box 4 and 7), as the sale occurred in the quarter, and then just de-register after that?
– now if I am submitting a VAT return for this hotel unit under my VAT registration number, for period including when I was not an owner (Jul/Aug) – is that relevant/does that matter- i.e. the new owner, will he also be submitting a VAT return for the same unit with the same figures for Jun-Aug, even though he wasn’t an owner in June, but was for Jul/Aug – I don’t understand how the VAT return gets split across the handover to the new owner – or does he just submit his own return under his own registration, and it is not relevant for me?

Many thanks