Reply To: VAT in Consumer Prices

Forum Categories GENERAL VAT DISCUSSIONS VAT in Consumer Prices Reply To: VAT in Consumer Prices


Thanks very much indeed.  That’s really helpful.  So, (and you may think this a silly question with an obvious answer!) if a builder (limited company registered for VAT) quotes on his Schedule of Works against individual items the cost as being, say, “£1,000 (inc VAT)” he should not be adding VAT again to the sub total of all those items, meaning that item (and other items similarly described) is costing £1,200.  One further point, the builder admits having reclaimed the VAT paid to his supplier, as input tax. 

I want don’t burden you with too much detail, but I’m happy to explain this further – it’s the subject of a civil dispute – if it’s of any interest…

Thanks again
